2D’s Diamond Celebration

In the wake of one of the most protracted recessions in US history, Trip Durham hung a shingle on May 4, 2010 that read “2D Consulting, LLC.” Ten years later, with a global pandemic at hand, Trip is filled with incredible enthusiasm about where our nation will be on the other side of these unusual times.

When you visit the rest of the website, you’ll note the “Inspired by Relationships. Driven by Collaboration” statement on the home page. This is not just a bumper sticker slogan. This is the heart and soul of Trip’s personality. Quickly bouncing through the site, you’ll see examples of partnerships and projects that jolted Trip out of bed each morning, well ahead of the alarm clock.

Reflecting on a career of nearly 30 years, Trip is fortunate to have worked with a great deal of people, in some amazing places, doing meaningful things. Moving forward, he is excited about where the next decade will take us all.

Give Trip a call. Discuss how the best indicator of your future success is the breadth of work in 2D’s past.

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